Consultancy Overview:
Planning is the key to ensuring your health and safety arrangements really work. It helps you think through the actions you have set out in your policy and work out how they will happen in practice. Optima Training and Consulting Ltd will assist you ensure your day to day plan`s work for your business and also review when emergencies occur.
We will look at :
- what you want to achieve, eg how you will ensure that your employees and others are kept healthy and safe at work
- how you will decide what might cause harm to people and whether you are doing enough or need to do more to prevent that harm
- how you will prioritise the improvements you may need to make
- who will be responsible for health and safety tasks, what they should do, when and with what results
- how you will measure and review whether you have achieved what you set out to do
We can also assist you with emergency response training.
Contact us at for more details or for a customised quote for your Health & Safety Plans including emergency response planning requirements.